Company History

Marc Geerkens, the founder of Advance Automotive Towing, started the company from scratch in 2007. Marc’s absolute dedication, passion and drive soon took the company to new heights. He had the ability to build on an ordinary business concept, turning it into something spectacular. One thing was certain, his vision was always clear and he never let an opportunity pass to take on new projects. Marc and his partner Danie managed and build the business in synergy together, and was taken over by Leonie Geerkens in September 2017 after the sudden unexpected death of Marc Geerkens.

Today the company is standing strong and the team is like a family. Towards the end of 2020 a new member was welcomed into the family with an exceptionally well managed energy driven spirit that share the same vision and mission as Marc and the family. Michiel van der Merwe’s positive energy, his love and compassion for people is the corner stone towards expanding our vision but remaining true to what we stand for “doing business in a truthful manner to the best of Our ability. Every client deserves our top priority”.